Device Protection Plans


  • Requires manufacturer 3-year protection + 4th year add on*
  • Covers deductibles (see deductibles listed below) and incident fees during manufacturers’ warranty

    *3rd year add on if iPad® or other tablet has only 2 year manufacturers’ warranty

  • Business Class warranty, exclusively available at 12th Man Technology
  • Covers manufacturer defects and accidental damage coverage protects your device against accidents including cracked screens, spills and power surges*
  • Includes Battery Defects
  • $0 Deductible

    *Limit 2 accidental damage incidents

  • 3 year protection plan
  • 24/7 priority access to Apple® experts for technical support
  • Accidental damage coverage
  • Includes Accessories purchased with device and batteries
  • Apple® certified service and support coverage
  • $99-$299 DEDUCTIBLE*

    *Deductible dependent on damage incurred

  • Dell’s most comprehensive protection plan
  • 24/7 US-based hardware and software support
  • Accidental damage coverage

    Limit: 1 incident every 12 months

  • Covers manufacturer defects and accidental damage*

*Coverage available on select devices and is limited to the amount paid for the device